Welcome to the ARPA Portal

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law and provided $350 billion of funding to states, territories, tribal and local governments to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and its economic impacts. Eligible uses of the funds are as follows:

2024 Recovery Plan Performance Report

ARPA Documentation and Procurement Video

Municipal Allocations

Eligible Use of Funds

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Water and Sewer Infrastructure 

Infrastructure improvements by building or upgrading existing facilities

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Broadband Infrastructure

Lack of broadband access or not meeting minimum acceptable speeds

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Premium Pay for Essential Workers 

Provide premium pay to essential workers both directly and through grants to third-party employers 

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Address Negative Economic Impacts 

Deliver assistance to impacted workers, families and businesses 

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Support the Public Health Response 

Responses to COVID-19 issues, mental health and substance misuse struggles, crisis intervention, etc. 

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Emergency Response to Environmental Disasters 

Deliver assistance to provide emergency relief from natural disasters or their negative economic impacts 

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Surface Transportation Projects 

Surface transportation projects specified in the 2023 CAA (Surface Transportation projects) 

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Title I 

For activities that are eligible under section 105(a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Title I projects) 

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Bristol’s ARPA allocation totals approximately $110 million and will be distributed in multiple phases to our member communities. For details on each municipality’s allocation see Municipal Allocations.

These funds will be made available through our online application process that is designed to facilitate ARPA compliance and the related reporting requirements. To be eligible for funding, member communities must successfully complete an application (with appropriate approvals), agree to Bristol County’s Terms and Conditions, including the execution of a Grant Agreement. Please note that member communities can submit more than one application, but in no case will amounts be awarded that exceed the total amount allocated to the applicable member community.

All costs related to the ARPA program must be incurred by December 31, 2024 and expended by December 31, 2026.

We take great pride in administering these funds for our member communities and are pleased to provide the support our communities need to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | U.S. Department of the Treasury
American Rescue Plan Act: Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund FAQs (naco.org)